Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Alcohol Ink Splatter Tutorial

Hello fellow scrappers!  Just a quick tutorial to showcase how you can get random splatters of alcohol inks onto acrylic backgrounds.

This technique can be seen on 'My Little Devil' page.

It's a very simple technique actually.  All you need are alcohol inks and a can of compressed gas duster.

Step 1: Work on the back of your acrylic--remember, acrylic is clear so working on what will be the back of your acrylic will display on the front of your page with no issues.  I work this way because the surface where you actually use the alcohol inks can remain a bit sticky--so might as well use the non-sticky side as the main base for your page.  Just randomly apply drops from your bottle of alcohol inks directly onto the acrylic.  Then before the ink dries blow puffs of compressed gas onto your alcohol ink drops.  This will create random splatters of ink.

Step 2: Work with one color at a time--this is more of a tip than a step.  Don't try to work with all of your inks at once--you run the risk of having a bit of the ink dry up or it can just get too messy.  Also do remember that if you do mess up--alcohol inks combined with acrylic are very forgiving.  Just take a paper towel...pour a few drops of alcohol ink blending solution and simply rub off the alcohol ink from your acrylic.  Then simply try again!
Here's a photo of my own can of 'Dust Remover' or compressed gas duster.  I use it to clean my computer keyboard--but can also be used for crafting as shown here.  You can find these cans in any office supply store such as Staples or Office Max.  I've also seen them in Target, Walmart & Kmart.


1 comment:

  1. OH WOW.... I love this and I am so giving this one a go. I am sure that it will work just as nicely on shiny cardstock or on acetate... Thanks for this one Kay... love it


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